Saturday, January 21, 2006

Painting is done but I have no picture of it...

Please wait until morning - sorry about the delay!

We watched Il Postino today. I love that movie.

A poem in placeof the painting for the moment:

Morning XVII
Naked, you are simple as one of your hands,
smooth, earthy, small, transparent, round:
you have moon-lines, apple-pathways:
naked, you are slender as a naked grain of wheat.

Naked, you are blue as a night in Cuba;
you have vines and stars in your hair;
naked you are spacious and yellow
as summer in a golden church.

Naked, you are tiny as one of your nails -
curved, subtle, rosy, till the day is born
and you withdraw to the underground world,

as if down a long tunnel of clothing and of chores:
your clear light dims, gets dressed - drops its leaves -
and becomes a naked hand again.

-- Pablo Neruda


E. Garcia said...

Do you have any favorite lines? I like, "you have moon-lines, apple-pathways:" and the phrase "summer in a golden church".

Daniel said...

those are exactly my favorite lines.

more recently i have loved"...spacious and yellow
as summer in a golden church"

But this image "you have moon-lines, apple-pathways" is always recurring in my heart... this has been one of my favorite lines in one of my favorite poems.

i just returned from Pride and Prejudice (2nd viewing). it is so powerful, so touching.

Daniel said...

what is the quality so present in that film that it makes the life depicted so... radiant? human?

E. Garcia said...

Which film? In Il Postino I think it's how he's very much like a wise child. In Pride and Prejudice? You mean aside from the very nice looking people?

Daniel said...

it could be said there is something radiant in Il Postino, but i was thinking of Pride and Prejudice. I think that movie is in my top ten of all time (so is Il Postino by the way).

maybe we could chat about it in class on monday.

hey, pass on a message for Avana if you get the chance: i bought the Pride and P. soundtrack today and guess what it reminded my of? it reminded me of her music a little bit. i'll make a copy and bring it monday.

have you listened to that soundtrack?

E. Garcia said...

yeah, i'll let her know--and i haven't listened to it, but i'm excited to. hey, check out the princeton home page: we should ask that Peter Lewis dude to give us some Italy funds.