Sunday, January 29, 2006

Painting and Another Sketchbook page - by request.

This is bad photo of an average painting (I promise the real thing looks a lot better!). The reference image was from a recent trip to Sweden. This image is from a small island about a 1/2 hour from Gotenburg. The other side of the island is where I and Katie or "Lizzle" spent the whole day swimming in the cold (can't recall the name) sea and warming our bodies on the large smooth rock outcroppings that spread into the waters. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. The fresh "fish and chips" were also the best I've had.

Here is a little unfinished business I am working on for Illustration Friday (the theme is Glamor)... the request for a little more sketchbook seemed like a good idea.



1 comment:

E. Garcia said...

Thank you!